• 11 September 2008

PEFA aims to support integrated and harmonized approaches to assessment and reform in the field of public expenditure, procurement and financial accountability. Its objective is to improve aid effectiveness, in ...

  • 11 September 2008

The Global Opportunities Fund (GOF) Sustainable Development programme (GOF-SD) was one of a group of programmes run by the Foreign Office in support of its Strategic Priorities. It operated within the framework of ...

  • 11 September 2008

The objective of this study was to provide recommendations and guidelines of both a technical and political nature to ensure effective parliamentary oversight of aid channelled through budget support. The ...

  • 11 September 2008

The Paris Declaration put the use of government systems at the centre of the international aid effectiveness agenda.   Several of its indicators related directly or indirectly to “putting aid on ...

  • 11 September 2007

The International Corruption Group (ICG) was set up at the end of 2006 to strengthen the UK’s capacity to investigate money laundering and foreign bribery. This forms part of the UK’s broader efforts to combat ...

  • 11 September 2007

The £100 million DFID Governance and Transparency Fund (GTF) was designed to help citizens hold their governments to account, through strengthening the wide range of groups that can empower and support them. Mokoro ...

  • 11 September 2007

DFID’s 2006 White Paper ‘Eliminating world poverty: making governance work for the poor’ emphasised that governance is central to development and set out three requirements for good governance: state ...

  • 14 September 2006

General budget support (GBS) has become more prominent since the late 1990s, as part of a wider quest to improve the effectiveness of aid. Funds provided through general budget support are disbursed through the ...

  • 11 September 2006

Two Mokoro consultants, Catherine Dom and Mary Betley, assisted the European Commission (EC) Headquarters and Delegation staff in rethinking the EC approach to sector strategic budgeting during the design and ...

  • 11 September 2006

The UNDP’s Human Development Report on Water was published in 2006 and explored how rising populations, economic development and resource depletion, including climate change, threatens access by the poor to water ...