Alta Fölscher
Principal Consultant
Alta Fölscher has almost 20 years’ consultancy experience and particular technical expertise in the institutional arrangements for effective budget and public financial management and governance, aid delivery, and human rights in development. She has undertaken significant evaluation and programme review work, including leading major multi-country aid evaluations. Alta’s research design and research portfolio includes in-country and cross-country research on fiscal transparency and social accountability, financial governance, putting aid on budget, budget support management, economic justice, and budget and policy analysis, including public expenditure reviews in the education and justice sectors. She is published widely in these areas. Alta has supported development partners, governments and civil society organisations across Africa and in South East and Central Asia, Eastern Europe, the Caribbean and the Middle-East. Alta has led the design of a benchmarking methodology to assess and monitor expenditure on child protection systems that can be applied in different contexts for UNICEF. She has since been involved in the piloting and role out of this benchmark in Indonesia, Cote D’Ivoire, Afghanistan and Nigeria.
MSc Public Policy and Management, CeFMIS, SOAS, University of London (2004)
BA Philosophy (cum laude) and Political Philosophy (cum laude), University of Stellenbosch (1985)
BA (Hons) Journalism (cum laude), University of Stellenbosch (1987)
BA (Hons) Political Science, University of Cape Town (1989)
BA (Hons) Business and Administration, University of Stellenbosch Business School (1994)
Latest projects
Climate Budget Tagging in South Africa
South Africa
World Bank
Evaluation of Danida Multi-Bilateral Interventions
Assessing the integration of national and sectoral policies to end child marriage
Education Cannot Wait First Emergency Response Fund Evaluation
Evaluation of Botswana’s Vulnerable Groups Feeding Programme