Education For All fast-track initiative
Mid-term evaluation
World Bank for donor group, Multi country
The Education for All (EFA) Fast Track Initiative (FTI) is a major global effort to support international goals for basic education.
Mokoro provided the Team Leader and many of the core team members for an evaluation team, that also included Cambridge Education and Oxford Policy Management, undertaking a mid-term evaluation of the FTI. The main purpose of the evaluation was to assess the effectiveness of the FTI to date in accelerating progress towards achievement of EFA goals in participating countries, with particular attention to country movement towards Universal Primary Completion (UPC). The evaluation also assessed the FTI’s contribution to improving aid effectiveness at both country and global levels. As well as the main Synthesis Report, the outputs included nine country studies (Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Pakistan, Yemen) and eight country desk studies (Ethiopia, Moldova, Malawi, Mali, Rwanda, Uganda, Vietnam, Zambia). |