• 3 July 2017

This was the mid-term evaluation (MTE) of three school feeding programmes implemented by WFP in Bangladesh, Lao PDR, and Nepal, funded by the McGovern-Dole (MGD) Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program of the ...

  • 26 December 2016

This assessment of accountability ecosystems for climate change finance was designed to inform efforts to support government and nongovernment actors in the Asia and Pacific region to design and reform systems of ...

  • 23 December 2016

Growing pressures on land including investments in large-scale, land based agricultural projects are having a disproportionate effect on rural women. These investments threaten livelihoods and often serve to ...

  • 3 October 2016

This global evaluation assessed the results based management instrument of Finland’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs – its Country Strategy Model (CSM). The CSM was implemented in 2012 with a goal of increasing ...

  • 14 September 2015

The Renewed Efforts Against Child Hunger and Undernutrition (REACH) is the UN inter-agency initiative which aims to reduce maternal and child undernutrition in participating countries. REACH was initially intended ...

  • 14 September 2015

The Department for International Development’s (DFID) Forest Governance, Markets and Climate Programme (FGMC) is a 10-year, £250 million programme aimed at tackling forest governance failures in developing ...

  • 17 July 2015

In mid-2014, The Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement Lead Group commissioned an independent comprehensive evaluation of the SUN Movement to assess the value it adds to efforts to scale up nutrition. Mokoro, in ...

  • 2 September 2014

Mokoro provided a team to carry out an evaluation looking at the use and benefits of pooled funds in the World Food Programme’s (WFP) preparedness and response. The evaluation provided an analysis of the use, ...

  • 2 September 2014

Mokoro provided a team to undertake a global evaluation of UNICEF’s upstream work in basic education and gender equality programmes. ‘Upstream’ refers to policy development and advocacy efforts preceding ...

  • 2 September 2014

The purpose of this research study was to increase the knowledge of CABRI members, and other African countries, of the different practices of the main donors in the use of country systems for aid delivery, with the ...