Evaluation of Finland’s Country Strategies and Modality
MFA Finland, Multi country
This global evaluation assessed the results based management instrument of Finland’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs – its Country Strategy Model (CSM). The CSM was implemented in 2012 with a goal of increasing effectiveness and impact of Finland’s development policy and cooperation at a country level. The purpose of the evaluation was to provide evidence based information and practical guidance for the next update of the CSM on a) how to improve the Results Based Management (RBM) approach in country programming for management, learning and accountability purposes and b) how to improve the quality of implementation of Finnish development policy at the partner country level.
The objectives of the assignment were to provide evidence on the successes and challenges of the country strategies by; a) assessing the feasibility of strategic choices made, progress made in strategic result areas, validating the reported results in the annual progress reports and identifying possible unexpected results of Finland’s development cooperation in each of the long-term partner countries; and b) by aggregating the validated results and good practices at the MFA level and c) by assessing the feasibility of the CSM for the purposes of results based management of the MFA.
Full in-depth stand-alone country strategy evaluations were undertaken for Ethiopia, Tanzania, Mozambique, Zambia, Vietnam and Nepal. The evaluation was led by Mokoro Principal Consultant, Alta Fölscher. Mokoro was pleased to collaborate with Indufor Oy.