• 3 September 2011

Policy based instruments, such as general budget support, are funds that are channelled directly to the partner government’s general treasury account and subject to the country’s own systems for public financial ...

  • 11 September 2010

Irish Aid has supported the development activities of the Governments of Tigray and Southern Nations Nationalities and People’s Region (SNNPR) since 1994. This includes a programme of ‘Operational Research for ...

  • 11 September 2010

The Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia’s (GOE) Protection of Basic Services (PBS) programme aims to expand access and improve quality of basic services delivery by sub-national governments ...

  • 4 September 2010

The Education for All (EFA) Fast Track Initiative (FTI) is a major global effort to support international goals for basic education. Mokoro provided the Team Leader and many of the core team members for an ...

  • 1 February 2010

Mokoro Principal Consultant, Elizabeth Daley, undertook a study on the gendered impacts of commercial pressures on land (CPL). This study complements and supports the other thematic and paradigmatic studies and ...

  • 11 September 2009

The New Coalition for Food Security, formed in 2003, was a landmark in the evolution of approaches to address food insecurity in Ethiopia. In order to take forward the agenda of the New Coalition, the Government of ...

  • 11 September 2009

WIDE (Wellbeing and Illbeing Dynamics in Ethiopia) is a three-stage longitudinal research study exploring how government policies and programmes from all sectors have been implemented since 2003 in twenty rural ...

  • 11 September 2008

A 2006 external evaluation concluded that Irish Aid’s Tigray Regional Support Programme (TRSP) had made a fairly substantial contribution to the Region’s finances in support of the Government’s poverty ...

  • 11 September 2008

Sunarma (Sustainable Natural Resource Management Association) is an Ethiopian NGO based in the UK and Ethiopia working toward bringing sustainable solutions to Ethiopian farmers. Sunarma had grown quickly by 2008 ...

  • 11 September 2008

Mokoro Principal Consultant, Catherine Dom, provided technical support to the DFID retreat for Africa Human Development Advisers, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Catherine facilitated the session on the ‘Effects of Poverty ...