Tigray poverty monitoring system

Irish Aid, Ethiopia

A 2006 external evaluation concluded that Irish Aid’s Tigray Regional Support Programme (TRSP) had made a fairly substantial contribution to the Region’s finances in support of the Government’s poverty reduction efforts. Shortcomings were principally related to the need for more structured dialogue at the sectoral level in Tigray, as well as the need to strengthen the linkages between the TRSP Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) system and the various planning systems at the Regional and woreda levels.

This consultancy provided support in the development of a more focused M&E methodology and a joint Irish Aid/Government of Tigray monitoring system towards enhanced policy dialogue in the next phase of the Partnership Programme, reflecting Irish Aid’s new Country Strategy Programme for Ethiopia 2008 – 2012.

Specifically, assistance was provided in the design and piloting of a “Complementary Poverty Monitoring Approach”. Work involved identifying an overall methodological framework, developing protocols, testing selected protocols, and reviewing their adequacy.