• 3 octobre 2016

This global evaluation assessed the results based management instrument of Finland’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs – its Country Strategy Model (CSM). The CSM was implemented in 2012 with a goal of increasing ...

  • 11 septembre 2010

The Irish Aid Country Strategy Paper (CSP) 2007-2010 was launched in in Vietnam in 2007. Programmes are implemented through a variety of aid modalities and support three of the four priorities in Vietnam’s Social ...

  • 11 septembre 2010

The UK and Vietnamese Governments have a ten-year Development Partnership Arrangement (DPA) covering 2006 – 2015 which are based on three partnership principles; poverty reduction, respect for human rights and ...

  • 4 septembre 2010

The Education for All (EFA) Fast Track Initiative (FTI) is a major global effort to support international goals for basic education. Mokoro provided the Team Leader and many of the core team members for an ...

  • 11 septembre 2009

Vietnam has made substantial progress in recent years against both the Vietnam Development Goals (VDGs) and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). It has shown consistent improvement in social indicators, such as ...

  • 11 septembre 2009

In 2009 Vietnam developed a new Business Sector Programme Support (BSPS) aimed at strengthening the competitiveness of Vietnamese growth and export-oriented enterprises in order to create decent jobs. The second ...

  • 11 septembre 2008

AusAID’s overseas development assistance to Vietnam took two years to shift from a traditional project approach to a program based approach (PBA), resulting in about 50 per cent of the bilateral aid budget to ...

  • 11 septembre 2008

In 2009 Danida implemented a five-year cooperation program to support Vietnam in climate change mitigation and adaption. The programme’s overall objective was to contribute to greater sustainability in economic ...

  • 14 septembre 2006

General budget support (GBS) has become more prominent since the late 1990s, as part of a wider quest to improve the effectiveness of aid. Funds provided through general budget support are disbursed through the ...

  • 11 septembre 2006

The Poverty Reduction Support Credit (PRSC) was a budget support instrument developed by the World Bank in Vietnam linked to the introduction of new policies and systems. A Mokoro team, led by Ann Bartholomew, ...