Evaluation of Irish Aid Vietnam Country Strategy Paper 2007-2010

Irish Aid, Vietnam

The Irish Aid Country Strategy Paper (CSP) 2007-2010 was launched in in Vietnam in 2007. Programmes are implemented through a variety of aid modalities and support three of the four priorities in Vietnam’s Social and Economic Development Plan (SEDP) for 2006-2010, covering nine components which together address poverty, economic development, and governance priorities.

Two Mokoro consultants undertook an evaluation to assess the appropriateness, relevance, efficiency and effectiveness of the programmatic interventions against the objectives set out in the CSP, as well as the interventions and the CSP itself against the changing development environment.

The consultants looked at the strategic direction and focus of the country programme and evaluated both what was done and how it was done, in order to assess the strategic impact and outlook of the programme. In addition, the evaluation looked at the relevance of CSP component interventions to the overall programme logic and assessed lessons learnt and changing modalities for delivering aid globally.

The people behind the project

Principal Consultant

Mark Minford