• 20 juin 2016

This Project Completion Report (PCR) marks the end of DFIDs General Budget Support (GBS) cycle in Ghana which has seen the Government of Ghana receive $60 million of funding over the period of 2012-2015. The ...

  • 14 septembre 2015

The Renewed Efforts Against Child Hunger and Undernutrition (REACH) is the UN inter-agency initiative which aims to reduce maternal and child undernutrition in participating countries. REACH was initially intended ...

  • 14 septembre 2015

The Department for International Development’s (DFID) Forest Governance, Markets and Climate Programme (FGMC) is a 10-year, £250 million programme aimed at tackling forest governance failures in developing ...

  • 11 novembre 2013

After more than a decade of general budget support by Danida to the Government of Ghana, this third phase of the Multi Donor Budget Support programme was an exit strategy, expected to assist Ghana in making the ...

  • 3 septembre 2012

This study aimed to examine partner country experience with the aim of improving aid transparency and public financial management by better integrating aid information with budget processes using existing country ...

  • 12 avril 2011

Mokoro joined an evaluation team, led by Fiscus, to identify what factors – institutional and contextual – contribute (or hinder) successful public financial management (PFM) reform, and whether the ...

  • 4 septembre 2010

The Education for All (EFA) Fast Track Initiative (FTI) is a major global effort to support international goals for basic education. Mokoro provided the Team Leader and many of the core team members for an ...

  • 11 septembre 2009

In the context of its continuing program of Public Financial Management (PFM) reforms, and its encouragement of external aid partners to more fully utilize country systems, the Government of Ghana (GoG) and the ...

  • 11 septembre 2008

In 2008 the World Bank, on behalf of development partners, led the External Review of Public Financial Management (ERPFM) in the context of the Multi-Donor Budget support (MDBS) framework for Ghana. Mokoro provided ...

  • 11 septembre 2008

The Paris Declaration put the use of government systems at the centre of the international aid effectiveness agenda.   Several of its indicators related directly or indirectly to « putting aid on budget », ...