Better reflecting aid flows in country budgets

International Aid Transparency Initiative, Multi country

This study aimed to examine partner country experience with the aim of improving aid transparency and public financial management by better integrating aid information with budget processes using existing country systems.

Mokoro provided a team led by Principal Consultant, Alta Foslcher, for this assignment with the aim of examining the political and policy environment to identify what is needed to integrate aid flow information into budgets as well as the process and classification system needed to better link aid to country budget systems and provide accurate information on all aid flows.

The study worked on a proposed common classification for the IATI budget identifier, including further testing against an additional set of countries, and testing of the proposed classification in the field. It also involved a cross-country study to investigate how in practice, countries and their development partners have gone about solving the complexity of integrating aid management information flows, processes and cycles, with country budget information flows, processes and cycles, the obstacles they face and emerging good practices. Country case studies took place in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda as well as desk studies of Ghana, Malawi and Nepal.

The people behind the project

Project leader: Alta Foslcher

Principal Consultant

Frederic Jeanjean, Gareth Graham, Sam Moon