• 6 octobre 2021

Mokoro provided the economics team for the preparation of Cambodia’s Long Term Strategy for Carbon Neutrality (LTS4CN). The economics team was in addition to six other teams (the core mitigation team, four sector ...

  • 12 mars 2021

This global strategic evaluation was conducted by a Mokoro evaluation team, led by Dr Muriel Visser. The evaluation reviewed WFP’s strategic positioning in school feeding, its contribution to the achieving the ...

  • 23 août 2018

The Evaluation of EU Budget Support to Cambodia was led by Alta Fölscher alongside a team of experts in budget support evaluation and the Cambodia education sector, including Ann Bartholomew, John Patch and ...

  • 14 octobre 2017

This assignment supported four ministries of the Government of Cambodia, with the objective of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of climate public expenditure and supporting the mobilisation of ...

  • 31 mai 2017

GIZ in cooperation with USAID has supported the National Council for Sustainable Development (NCSD) of the Royal Government of Cambodia in institutionalizing Cambodia’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process with ...

  • 8 novembre 2015

Cambodia is consistently ranked as one of the ten countries most vulnerable to climate change, and one of the three most vulnerable in Asia. Due to the potential impacts of climate change on the Cambodian economy ...

  • 2 septembre 2014

Mokoro provided a team to undertake a global evaluation of UNICEF’s upstream work in basic education and gender equality programmes. ‘Upstream’ refers to policy development and advocacy efforts preceding ...

  • 3 septembre 2013

The Cambodia Climate Financing Framework (CCFF) was developed by the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) to inform the implementation of the Cambodia Climate Change Strategic Plan (CCCSP). Mokoro provided Principal ...

  • 3 décembre 2011

Mokoro provided a team led by Principal consultant, Stephen Lister, to undertake an assignment assessing and measuring aid predictability. The assignment aimed to increase the awareness of the practices by donors ...

  • 4 septembre 2010

The Education for All (EFA) Fast Track Initiative (FTI) is a major global effort to support international goals for basic education. Mokoro provided the Team Leader and many of the core team members for an ...