• 4 septembre 2010

The objective of this work was to develop an assessment framework and compendium of good practices on aid predictability. Mokoro provided a team led by Principal Consultant, Stephen Lister. The aim of the work was ...

  • 11 septembre 2009

The Government of Cambodia (GoC) carried out an Integrated Fiduciary Assessment and Public Expenditure Review (IFAPER) in partnership with the World Bank. The IFAPER aimed to assess progress in implementation of the ...

  • 11 septembre 2005

The Poverty Reduction Growth Operation (PRGO) is a multi-donor budget support instrument led by the World Bank which was established in 2007 in Cambodia. The PRGO channels non-earmarked funds to the Cambodian ...

  • 14 septembre 2004

Mokoro Principal Consultant, Catherine Dom, was member of a three-person team, advising the Ministry of Economy and Finance in Cambodia with the preparation of a medium to long-term comprehensive public financial ...

  • 14 septembre 2004

The United Nations Millennium Development Goals are eight goals that all 191 UN member states have agreed to try to achieve by the year 2015. The MDGs are inter-dependent and all influence health, focusing ...

  • 14 septembre 2003

Mokoro Consultant, Andrew Bird, undertook a review of the support provided by the Asian Development Bank to Public Financial Management (PFM) reforms in Cambodia. The review focused particularly on progress made and ...