
Reflections from our recent work, and topical issues for the sector

Posted by mokoroeditor01
  • 19 December 2018

It’s 9am and I’m putting out the last of the chairs in the workshop, while my colleague Jorge fixes balloons to the wall either side of the sign that reads “FELICIDADES!” (congratulations). The guests are ...

  • 7 December 2018

Ethiopia WIDE has been part of Mokoro’s life since 2009, almost a decade now. As a research project ‘tracking communities since 1994’, WIDE will celebrate its 25th birthday in 2019.  Its origins and first two ...

  • 20 November 2018

You know how they say your life can change in a moment? Well, just over 30 years ago I walked into a room in the Ministry of Agriculture in the southern African country of Malawi.  I had come to collect some ...

  • 29 August 2018

This piece is a personal take, based on a presentation prompted by my local Rotary Club on the Welsh borders. They pursued me for a decade to speak about working internationally. Since 2017 was the 50th anniversary ...

  • 28 August 2018

There is a growing demand for the production of evidence in the international development sector to ensure that programmes and initiatives are generating their intended results. For those working in the sector there ...

  • 13 August 2018

Ahead of September’s Global Youth Economic Opportunities Summit, Adam Leach offers reflections and a reminder of the 2017 Summit hosted by Making Cents International. The call to action at the last Global Youth ...

  • 9 July 2018

Lkhamdulam is a founding member of the Mongolian NGO, People Centered Conservation (PCC), and a senior team member of the global Women’s Land Tenure Security (WOLTS) project. At a recent gender training session in ...

  • 9 July 2018

An informal round-table discussion was chaired by Robin Palmer on 19 April 2018, with invited speakers Odenda Lumumba, Martin Adams and Francesca Di Matteo.  Discussions took place under Chatham House rules to ...

  • 25 April 2018

Jim (Mokoro Ltd, UK) and Ezekiel (HakiMadini, Tanzania) are team members of the global Women’s Land Tenure Security (WOLTS) project. I joined the WOLTS project team in November 2015 and in January 2017 I took part ...

  • 9 April 2018

This year’s 2018 World Bank Land Poverty Conference had the theme of Land Governance in an Inter-connected World.  The Conference again brought together well over a thousand people from all over the globe to ...