• 6 March 2019

On 11 January 2019 Mokoro was delighted to host a seminar on qualitative evidence-gathering methods. Following our previous seminar on collecting evidence for development, this seminar looked further into some of ...

  • 14 July 2014

The WIDE (Wellbeing and Illbeing Dynamics in Ethiopia) research began in 1994 when Pip Bevan, sociologist working at the University of Oxford, and Alula Pankhurst, anthropologist working at the University of Addis ...

  • 18 July 2013

I read the two papers on agricultural extension in Africa by esteemed and expert colleagues with interest. My own thoughts are those of a lay person but who in recent years has learnt a little more on the complexity ...

  • 18 January 2013

Mokoro started its series of 2013 seminars on an innovative note discussing the subject of “Ethiopian Rural Communities: Where are they headed?”. Many guests in attendance had spent a number of years ...

  • 11 October 2012

The BSI model It is for a little more than a year and a half that I have been working alongside a bunch of great colleagues for the Budget Strengthening Initiative programme (BSI), hosted by the Overseas Development ...