UNHCR and WFP Cluster Review
WFP, Multi-Country
A Mokoro team, led by Muriel Visser, undertook the UNHCR and WFP Cluster review. This internal review analysed the experience of UNHCR and WFP in leading their respective humanitarian clusters, focusing on the cluster system’s ‘fitness for purpose’ and ‘fitness for the future’. This exercise was not a performance review, but took a bird’s-eye view of the performance, management and leadership across the six clusters, recognizing their differences and drawing out common strengths and challenges.
This participatory review took place between April 2022 and January 2023 and focused on six themes: i) readiness for increasingly complex environments, ii) agility and innovation, iii) localization, iv) resourcing the functioning of the clusters, v) inter-cluster synergies, and iv) global leadership.
Data collection followed a participatory and “collective thinking” journey and involved over 115 actors. The final product produced by the team was the final review report for the internal use of the two clients.
The photograph illustrating this project was taken by @salyastone, and is published under the ‘Unsplash’ licence.