Nigeria state led programme inception phase review

DFID, Nigeria

In 2005 the Government of Nigeria introduced a Medium Term Expenditure Framework approach and sector ministries were requested to prepare Medium Term Sector Strategies (MTSS) to feed into the approach.

Mokoro provided the lead consultant, Andrew Bird, of a sub-team to review the proposed Medium Term Sector Strategy (MTSS) approach in Lagos, Kano and Kaduna and assess the effectiveness of state level programme (SLP) coordination around MTSS, particularly with regard to planning and budgeting.

The team reviewed progress in implementation in the selected states focusing on; the sequencing and consistency of reforms around MTSS; ownership of the MTSS process at both central and sectoral level; the extent to which the proposed approach was mindful of capacity constraints; and how the State Houses of Assembly could, or should, be involved in the MTSS process.

The people behind the project

Andrew Bird