Malawi Climate Public Expenditure and Institutional Review
UNDP, Malawi
A Mokoro team, led by Kit Nicholson, conducted a Climate Public Expenditure and Institutional Review (CPEIR) in Malawi, through the Ministry of Natural Resources Energy and Mining with support from Global Environment Facility-Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) and United Nation Development Programme (UNDP).
The review aimed to describe recent public expenditure on adapting to climate change in Malawi, with a particular interest on the district level, and to assess the effectiveness of this expenditure. It was hoped that this would help to improve the management of adaptation expenditure and to close the Adaptation Gap in Malawi.
The CPEIR involved a desk exercise to classify national expenditure according to climate change adaptation relevance. The CPEIR also involved a pilot assessment in three districts (Nkhata Bay, Ntcheu and Zomba). Discussions in the districts focused on understanding the implications of climate change for a number of selected projects. The assessment used a qualitative method which involved: a) identifying the main benefits of each programme; b) assessing the relative importance of each benefit; and c) assessing the extent to which each of the benefits would increase (or decrease) when climate change is taken into account.
The assignment culminated in a Training of Trainers event on the CPEIR. This was attended by district officials who were able to share advice on methods that are likely to be of practical use in Malawi.
This work was conducted in partnership with Climate Scrutiny.