Evaluation of Irish Aid’s Uganda Country Strategy Programme 2010–2014

Irish Aid, Uganda

The goal of the Irish Aid Country Strategy Paper (CSP) 2010-2014 in Uganda was to reduce chronic poverty and vulnerability in Uganda in line with the Ugandan National Development Plan. The three key areas of support under the CSP were social service provision, governance and promoting economic opportunities. Following the October 2012 fraud in the Office of the Prime Minister, Irish Aid suspended funding to Government across the programme. A complete review of Ireland’s way of operating in Uganda was conducted, and an Interim Programme was put in place for 2013 and subsequently extended for 2014 and 2015. The main areas of focus that had been part of the CSP were retained, although some sub-components/projects which had been receiving funding through government systems were discontinued.

Mokoro provided an independent team of four consultants for this evaluation. The purpose of the evaluation of this CSP was to provide an independent, evidenced-based assessment of the performance of the CSP for the period 2010–14, as well as to identify lessons learned as an input into the design of the next CSP and to inform programming more broadly within Irish Aid. Fieldwork included visits to two sub-regions of the country: Karamoja and Busoga.

The people behind the project

Project leader: Muriel Visser

Principal Consultant

Principal Consultant and Director

Principal Consultant

Dan Opio