• 1 May 2019

Covers: background; vision and driving agenda: land reform for what?; the context; refocusing land reform; summary of views regarding expropriation without compensation; the panel’s recommendations for immediate ...

  • 7 October 2018

In recent decades, many countries in sub-Saharan Africa have pursued national water permit systems, derived from the colonial era and reinforced by “global best practice.” These systems have proved logistically ...

  • 12 December 2017

Focuses on South Africa’s various land laws and regulations, tenure classifications, and examines barriers to legal recognition of land rights. Covers land use and distribution trends and information on land ...

  • 25 November 2017

A land audit responding to the facts that policy formulation around the very sensitive and complex issue of land has been based on perception rather than fact for too long and that no reliable figures on land ...

  • 18 August 2017

Just published a new book, Untitled. Securing land tenure in urban and rural South Africa which disputes the argument that large-scale land titling is the solution to all land problems. Need for alternative ...

  • 31 July 2017

Reports from meeting near Bilbao from peasants in South Africa, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Niger, Mali, Senegal and Ghana. Almost everywhere in Africa the elite and corporations are undertaking efforts to capture and ...

  • 31 July 2017

A practical guide focusing on investigating accountability and accountability politics in the context of the current global rush for land and other natural resources. Purpose is to provide practical information to ...

  • 8 September 2016

A critical assessment of 22 years of land reform policies in South Africa. Concludes that land reform has been captured by elites. The most powerful voices are those of ‘emerging’ black capitalist farmers (often ...

  • 30 June 2016

Summarises papers discussed at an April 2016 symposium on land, law and traditional leadership. Includes land redistribution: tinkering at the edges, tenure insecurity, courting the chiefs, echoes of apartheid, ...

  • 16 May 2016

The author looks at the past 22 years of land reform in South Africa. What is going wrong in South Africa’s post-apartheid land reform programme, and how can its failings be addressed? 22 years after the ...