• 23 October 2019

A selection of nine short videos from InsightShare, which in October 2019 hosted a grassroots gathering in South Africa of African Indigenous activists representing 12 diverse communities from across the continent, ...

  • 3 March 2019

A new wave of agricultural commercialisation is being promoted across Africa’s eastern seaboard, by a broad range of influential actors – from international corporations to domestic political and business ...

  • 30 December 2018

A book covering six countries, including South Africa, Kenya, Sierra Leone and Liberia. Community paralegals seek to demystify law and empower people to advocate for themselves. Each chapter contains vivid accounts ...

  • 2 November 2018

Pastoralists in Isiolo county in northern Kenya feel under siege, with their way of life under threat. Isiolo has been the home of the Waso Boran pastoralists for many decades, but attacks from neighbouring Somali ...

  • 7 October 2018

In recent decades, many countries in sub-Saharan Africa have pursued national water permit systems, derived from the colonial era and reinforced by “global best practice.” These systems have proved logistically ...

  • 8 April 2018

Examines the link between land and water grabbing, the people that are most impacted by this, and legal frameworks related to both land and water rights. Describes the impacts of land and water grabbing in Kenya and ...

  • 28 March 2018

Despite increasing attention in recent years, little evidence has been available on the issue of women, land and corruption in Africa to inform effective policy-making. There has been no compilation of relevant ...

  • 8 March 2018

Kenya Land Alliance (KLA) disaggregated and analysed 1,000,099 out of about 3,200,000 title deeds issued by the Government of Kenya from 2013-17. The booklet reveals that women only got 103,043 titles representing ...

  • 23 December 2017

Over the last two decades, 200 million people across the world have been lifted out of hunger. But as climate change brings more frequent and severe weather shocks such as droughts and floods, and makes rainfall ...

  • 12 December 2017

Describes land reforms, recent sectoral developments, land legislation and regulations, land tenure systems and land use trends, as well as land investments, land conflict and historical injustices. Offers free ...