• 9 November 2004

The EU Land Policy Guidelines (November 2004) are intended for EU donors when supporting interventions in rural land policy and administration. They are divided into Part I policy framework, Part II operational ...

  • 9 September 2004

Examines (1) what is the issue and why is it important? – equality and economic growth, tenure insecurity, governance and institutions; (2) current evidence: what do we know? – land redistribution for ...

  • 9 June 2004

Contains introduction; determinants of property rights and consequences of loss (including country examples from Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, Zambia); policy context: influencing strategies to promote property ...

  • 9 March 2004

An attempt briefly to describe key components on land as a global issue today, giving some examples of Oxfam International’s involvement in land issues in different parts of the world. Divided into land in a ...

  • 9 December 2003

Short (4-page) report on this workshop covering why a successful workshop?, why this workshop?, what were the main themes?, key issues raised in presentations, discussions and working groups, the follow up, website ...

  • 9 December 2003

Contains the urban poverty challenge; from illegality to formal tenure; segregation of space – an urban poverty challenge; from government to governance; the role of the state; government as a land owner; ...

  • 9 October 2003

This was a major and highly successful workshop on women’s land rights in Southern and Eastern Africa, organised by FAO and Oxfam GB. It attracted an unusually diverse range of participants. This official report ...

  • 9 October 2003

Background paper for an IDS Sussex workshop on new ideas on the rights to land, housing and property. Contains a renewed focus on poverty and, within that, a new focus on land rights; livelihoods and rights-based ...

  • 9 June 2003

Examines some contemporary policy discourses on land tenure reform in sub-Saharan Africa and their implications for women’s interests in land. Demonstrates an emerging consensus among a range of influential policy ...

  • 9 April 2003

Focuses on property rights in land, giving a short narrative of some of the key ‘land tenure’ or ‘land policy’ issues and the emerging consensus around them. Addresses the redistribution of property rights ...