• 2 May 2016

Publication designed to help companies understand the need for enhanced transparency around land-related impacts and the importance of respecting the land tenure rights of local communities. Offers ...

  • 15 April 2016

A technical guide which aims to assist implementation of the FAO’s Voluntary Guidelines. Includes the legal significance of the Guidelines; using the Guidelines in law making; making law work in practice; ...

  • 10 April 2016

Examines 8 reasons why addressing housing, land and property issues is important in humanitarian response, including: addressing loss of land or inability to return to land and homes after disasters, and protecting ...

  • 2 April 2016

Based on current research in eastern Uganda, looks at inter-family conflicts over land, many of which go unresolved for years. Some fear that titling will lead to future dispossession as titled land is easier to ...

  • 17 March 2016

Host governments seeking to address the grievances of people adversely affected by land-based investments must navigate a complicated landscape of legal obligations and pragmatic considerations. Provides an overview ...

  • 11 March 2016

Covers why indigenous and community land rights matter for everyone; progress or retreat? What is happening on the ground; what do we need to change? Much community land is unprotected and vulnerable to land grabs ...

  • 11 February 2016

Contains the DFID land portfolio at a glance; programme designs; programme results: impact and ongoing performance; findings from three investment facilities; gaps and opportunities for learning; recommendations.

  • 11 February 2016

A step-by-step, practical ‘how to’ manual for grassroots advocates working to help communities protect their customary claims and rights to land and natural resources. Namati has developed a comprehensive, ...

  • 25 December 2015

In 2013, 20 expert advocates from across Africa gathered for a symposium to share experiences and practical strategies for effectively supporting communities to protect their lands and natural resources. Resulting ...

  • 18 December 2015

International investment treaties are an important part of the legal frameworks governing foreign investment. This report measures the extent to which they apply to agribusiness investments initiated as part of the ...