• 2 September 2014

General Budget Support (GBS) programmes have been implemented in Tanzania by Danida since 2001, and GBS remains the Government of Tanzania’s preferred aid modality. This assignment looked at Danida’s development ...

  • 2 September 2014

The purpose of this research study was to increase the knowledge of CABRI members, and other African countries, of the different practices of the main donors in the use of country systems for aid delivery, with the ...

  • 3 September 2011

Policy based instruments, such as general budget support, are funds that are channelled directly to the partner government’s general treasury account and subject to the country’s own systems for public financial ...

  • 11 September 2008

The Paris Declaration put the use of government systems at the centre of the international aid effectiveness agenda.   Several of its indicators related directly or indirectly to “putting aid on ...

  • 20 January 2000

Mokoro is pleased to be partnering on the WOLTS Tanzania project with HakiMadini. HakiMadini is a rights-based organisation working to support small-scale miners and communities living around Tanzania’s mineral ...