• 12 mars 2021

This global strategic evaluation was conducted by a Mokoro evaluation team, led by Dr Muriel Visser. The evaluation reviewed WFP’s strategic positioning in school feeding, its contribution to the achieving the ...

  • 4 septembre 2011

WFP’s formal policy on school feeding was published in 2009 and by the end of that year school feeding accounted for around 20% of WFP’s total beneficiaries, rendering WFP the largest provider of school meals in ...

  • 3 septembre 2011

In view of the strong linkages between tenure, rights and access (TRA) issues, the FAO Programme Committee at its 103rd session (September 2009) requested the Office of Evaluation to conduct an evaluation of ...

  • 11 septembre 2007

The Programmatic Public Expenditure Review (PPER) was launched by the World Bank in Tajikistan in 2006, supported by other development partners of Tajikistan including DFID. The PPER is closely aligned with ongoing ...

  • 14 septembre 2004

The United Nations Millennium Development Goals are eight goals that all 191 UN member states have agreed to try to achieve by the year 2015. The MDGs are inter-dependent and all influence health, focusing ...