• 30 juin 2024

Between October 2020 and June 2024 Mokoro worked alongside the South African National Treasury and World Bank to understand the needs for, and objectives of, a climate budget tagging (CBT) system for South Africa. ...

  • 5 décembre 2018

In January 2018, Mokoro began work on another large multi-country evaluation for WFP. The strategic evaluation of WFP’s pilot Country Strategic Plans (CSPs) was designed to assess the quality of results of WFP’s ...

  • 18 septembre 2012

Budget Support (BS) aims to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of achieving development goals by contributing to overall national development and sector strategies, rather than specific project support. The ...

  • 11 septembre 2008

The Paris Declaration put the use of government systems at the centre of the international aid effectiveness agenda.   Several of its indicators related directly or indirectly to « putting aid on budget », ...

  • 11 septembre 2006

Ireland has provided development assistance to South Africa since 1994, supporting the government and civil society organisations to deliver services to poor and disadvantaged communities who remain trapped in ...

  • 14 septembre 2004

Mokoro Principal Consultant, Martin Adams, led five consultants undertaking desk reviews of case studies in Botswana, Mozambique and South Africa involving outside investment in community-owned land resources.