• 7 December 2021

A Mokoro team, led by Dr. Marlène Buchy, conducted the end-term evaluation of The Joint Programme on “Accelerating Progress towards Rural Women’s Economic Empowerment” (JP RWEE). The JP RWEE is a global ...

  • 3 September 2012

WFP have been present in Kyrgyzstan since 2008 and with just three operations implemented in the period 2008-2012, represents one of their smallest portfolios of work. During this time, WFP’s operations in the ...

  • 4 September 2011

The Government of Kyrgyz Republic (GoK) is the beneficiary of a four year Multi-Donor Trust Fund (MDTF) to support the country’s strengthening of Public Financial Management (PFM). Mokoro consultant, Mauro ...

  • 14 September 2003

A specialist Mokoro team (Mary Betley, Ann Bartholomew, and Alta Fölscher) worked with the Kyrgyzstan Ministry of Finance and line ministries to deepen understanding of medium term budget frameworks (MTEF). The ...