• 23 April 2024

This Mid-Term Review (MTR) was carried out for the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) which is implementing LAND-at-scale (LAS) for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA). The objectives of the MTR were to provide ...

  • 7 December 2021

A large Mokoro team, led by Stephen Turner, undertook this global joint evaluation of collaboration among the United Nations Rome-based Agencies (RBAs) between November 2016 to 2021. Since 2008, there have been ...

  • 17 July 2019

A Mokoro team of two led by Alta Fölscher conducted this research as a follow-on from a mid-term review of the European Commission’s (EC) National Information Platforms for Nutrition Initiative (NIPN). This ...

  • 9 August 2017

This strategic performance review of the 11th European Development Fund (EDF) was part of a suite of ten evaluations being simultaneously undertaken of each of the EC’s External Financing Instruments (EFI). The ...

  • 17 July 2015

In mid-2014, The Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement Lead Group commissioned an independent comprehensive evaluation of the SUN Movement to assess the value it adds to efforts to scale up nutrition. Mokoro, in ...

  • 3 September 2011

Policy based instruments, such as general budget support, are funds that are channelled directly to the partner government’s general treasury account and subject to the country’s own systems for public financial ...

  • 12 April 2011

Mokoro joined an evaluation team, led by Fiscus, to identify what factors – institutional and contextual – contribute (or hinder) successful public financial management (PFM) reform, and whether the ...

  • 4 September 2010

The Education for All (EFA) Fast Track Initiative (FTI) is a major global effort to support international goals for basic education. Mokoro provided the Team Leader and many of the core team members for an ...

  • 11 September 2008

The Paris Declaration put the use of government systems at the centre of the international aid effectiveness agenda.   Several of its indicators related directly or indirectly to “putting aid on ...

  • 11 September 2007

Mokoro Principal Consultant, Catherine Dom, led a team of two international experts facilitating a learning event on sector-wide approaches (SWAps) in Burkina Faso, with a focus on rural development sectors. ...