Evaluation of Public Financial Management Reform

Sida, Multi-country

Mokoro joined an evaluation team, led by Fiscus, to identify what factors – institutional and contextual – contribute (or hinder) successful public financial management (PFM) reform, and whether the application of aid effectiveness principles to PFM reform is important to results. The evaluation findings were intended for Governments, donors and PFM practitioners, and to improve the design of external support for country-lead PFM reform efforts.

Country case studies were carried out in  Burkina Faso, Ghana and Malawi, the main focus of which was to investigate whether and how donor behaviour and the design and implementation of PFM reform makes a difference to the achievement of results, or whether other domestic contextual factors carry more weight. The evaluation outputs included a regional Africa synthesis report, building on the findings from the country case study evaluation.

The people behind the project

Principal Consultant

Andrew Bird, Mailan Chiche, Anthea Gordon, Mary Betley