• 17 July 2019

A Mokoro team of two led by Alta Fölscher conducted this research as a follow-on from a mid-term review of the European Commission’s (EC) National Information Platforms for Nutrition Initiative (NIPN). This ...

  • 20 December 2018

A Mokoro team led by Alta Fölscher conducted a mid-term review of the European Commission’s National Information Platforms for Nutrition (NIPN) initiative, assessing progress made to date in country NIPN ...

  • 5 December 2018

In January 2018, Mokoro began work on another large multi-country evaluation for WFP. The strategic evaluation of WFP’s pilot Country Strategic Plans (CSPs) was designed to assess the quality of results of WFP’s ...

  • 3 July 2017

This was the mid-term evaluation (MTE) of three school feeding programmes implemented by WFP in Bangladesh, Lao PDR, and Nepal, funded by the McGovern-Dole (MGD) Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program of the ...

  • 26 December 2016

This assessment of accountability ecosystems for climate change finance was designed to inform efforts to support government and nongovernment actors in the Asia and Pacific region to design and reform systems of ...

  • 14 September 2015

The Renewed Efforts Against Child Hunger and Undernutrition (REACH) is the UN inter-agency initiative which aims to reduce maternal and child undernutrition in participating countries. REACH was initially intended ...

  • 17 July 2015

In mid-2014, The Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement Lead Group commissioned an independent comprehensive evaluation of the SUN Movement to assess the value it adds to efforts to scale up nutrition. Mokoro, in ...

  • 11 September 2007

The Government of Bangladesh (GoB) began its transition to a Medium-Term Budgetary Framework (MTBF) in 2005 as a way to improve its strategic allocation of resources and achievement of existing policy objectives. ...

  • 14 September 2000

Mokoro Principal Consultant, Ray Purcell, provided advice on appropriate approaches to development in agriculture in Bangladesh, with particular reference to sector programme support.