
Reflections from our recent work, and topical issues for the sector

Posted by mokoroeditor01
  • 17 July 2014

In the Lesser Antilles, the market of the hotel industry is geared to pre-booked travellers, with accommodation reserved in advance through US-based on-line agencies, at a price. On my recent assignment, I wanted to ...

  • 14 July 2014

The WIDE (Wellbeing and Illbeing Dynamics in Ethiopia) research began in 1994 when Pip Bevan, sociologist working at the University of Oxford, and Alula Pankhurst, anthropologist working at the University of Addis ...

  • 1 July 2014

With the significantly increased pressure on the global health and development community to meet its commitments on hunger and undernutrition, Mokoro’s recent seminar came as timely and topical. The seminar ...

  • 30 April 2014

The last time I was in Uganda (more years ago than I care to think about) Kampala was a quiet and relatively traffic free environment. I stayed in a very run-down Speke Hotel where large fruit bats would hang upside ...

  • 17 April 2014

The malaria problem In the mid 1990s my late wife Ruth (a medical doctor and epidemiologist specializing in malaria control) and I (an agricultural planner and manager specializing in small farmer development ...

  • 10 April 2014

In the course of the last six months I have had the opportunity to work in two countries with very different profiles in terms of their relative wealth and economic complexity. Brazil today is claiming world power ...

  • 2 April 2014

In probably my shortest field mission so far, I recently spent two nights and three days in Botswana and Zimbabwe, scoping some proposed work on enhancing rural infrastructure. I had at least expected to spend the ...

  • 1 April 2014

‘Extreme disparities in income are slowing the pace of poverty reduction and hampering the development of broad-based economic growth.’ Kofi Annan, Africa Progress Panel, 2012 The issue of inequality is on the ...

  • 17 February 2014

Perhaps I should introduce myself as this is my first contribution to the Newsletter… and it will tell you about my first assignment for Mokoro. I may be new to Mokoro, but I’m certainly not new to this ...

  • 17 January 2014

Advocates for more secure land rights for the poor and vulnerable are a diverse and disparate group and not always of one mind on how to achieve their objective. Nonetheless, in January 2014, we were all united in ...