Analysis of budget support to Cambodia

DFID, Cambodia

The Poverty Reduction Growth Operation (PRGO) is a multi-donor budget support instrument led by the World Bank which was established in 2007 in Cambodia. The PRGO channels non-earmarked funds to the Cambodian government with an associated policy matrix which includes critical benchmarks in three main areas; public financial management, private sector development and land reform.

In 2005, Mokoro Principal Consultant, Catherine Dom, carried out analytical work to assess opportunities and risks arising from this joint Budget Support Operation between the World Bank and Cambodia, in preparation for the Poverty Reduction Growth Operation (PRGO).

The work included an assessment of fiduciary risks and development benefits, and the preparation of a strategy for budget support in Cambodia, generally and more specifically for DFID, and led to the development of the PRGO.

The people behind the project

Principal Consultant