Zambia Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability assessment

Government of the Republic of Zambia, Zambia

Over the last few years, Zambia has undertaken a number of fiscal reforms aimed at improving public expenditure management (PFM) and financial accountability. An evaluation was carried in 2005 to assess the status of Zambia’s PFM system based on the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) indicators which highlighted strengths and weakness in Zambia’s PFM system, capacity and procedures.

The purpose of this follow-up PEFA assessment was to establish the changes in Zambia’s PFM system performance since the last assessment that was carried out in December 2005. The aim was to assess to what extent it had changed, and the reasons behind it. The 2005 Public Expenditure Management and Financial Accountability (PEMFA) Evaluation provided the baseline status for Zambia’s PFM system.

Mokoro consultant, Mary Betley, joined a government team undertaking the PEFA assessment. It covered the central government as well as a sample of deconcentrated levels of government in order to review issues that could affect central level PFM systems.

The people behind the project

Mary Betley