• 5 March 2019

Antony Ellman, a long-standing friend of Mokoro, has co-authored this book on sustainable agricultural production in East Africa, published in September 2018 by the Tanzania Publishing House, Mkuki na Nyota.  It is ...

  • 20 December 2017

Just over 40 years ago, in September 1977, James Currey, then still with Heinemann Educational Books, published two academic books of mine. The first was Land and Racial Domination in Rhodesia, based on my 1968 PhD. ...

  • 14 June 2016

This is written at the desk of Martin Adams, who has been a leading figure in Mokoro for several decades but, sadly, announced his retirement at the company’s Quarterly Meeting, just hosted by him and Gerda at ...

  • 18 October 2013

In an African Arguments brief in January 2011, I wondered ‘why, given that the long-term impact of global land grabbing on many African rural communities could well be catastrophic, does there appear to exist an ...

  • 18 January 2013

According to the 2012 HIV/AIDS global fact sheet (www.kff.org), some 70% of those infected with HIV/AIDS live in Sub-Saharan Africa, which provides a home for some 12% of the world’s population. Further, 94% of ...