
  • 11 October 2014

The Scaling Up Nutrition Movement Independent Comprehensive Evaluation Interim Report is now available on the Scaling Up Nutrition website. The Interim Progress Report was submitted to the Lead Group for discussion at the sixth SUN Lead Group meeting held in New York on 23 November 2014. The evaluation team is now completing the final country visits. The eight country case studies are pivotal to the evaluation.

  • 11 October 2014

Robin Palmer attended a colloquium in Cape Town in honour of Lionel Cliffe: ’Democracy, Land and Liberation in Africa Today: Bridging Past and Present Scholarship’. His presentation is entitled ’Working on Land – History, Rights and Grabbing – in the Academic, NGO and Consultancy Worlds, 1964-2014’ is available on our website.

  • 11 October 2014

Catherine Dom, one of our Principal Consultants, spoke at an International Development Department guest seminar at the University of Birmingham. Her presentation was titled ’Researching change and continuity in rural Ethiopia: 20 villages over 20 years – the WIDE research project’ and the podcast is now available.

  • 11 September 2014

Mokoro’s Autumn seminar on Women’s Economic Empowerment was a great success. Further details about the speakers and links to the presentations are available on our seminars page.

  • 11 August 2014

A Mokoro Team, led by Stephen Lister, is carrying out the Independent Comprehensive Evaluation (ICE) of the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement. The Inception Report is now available on the SUN website.

  • 11 July 2014

A Mokoro Principal Consultant, Ray Purcell, has had an article on Agriculture Policy Changes in Africa published in the Governance for Development Yearbook.The article gives recommendations for ensuring that governance of land use and agriculture is made effective and postitely impacts public expenditure through strong government policy formulation. The article also considers the effect of government policies and budgeting on the private sector. As an interesting note to consider, it relates to work done by Kit Nicholson for CABRI.

  • 11 April 2014

We are please to announce Mokoro’s next seminar “Nutrition, Food Security and Livelihoods”, which will be held in Oxford on Friday 2 May 2014. The seminar will start with tea and coffee at 10.00. See the full agenda and details of the seminar here.

  • 11 April 2014

Mokoro’s latest newsletter has been sent by email. The newsletter includes five articles from Mokoro Consultants and friends, as well as updates on our recent assignments and from the Land Rights in Africa website. View the newsletter here.

  • 11 April 2014

On 2 April Robin Palmer attended the launch in Birkbeck College, London, of the McAuslan Fund set up to commemorate the life and work of the late Law Professor Patrick McAuslan who died in January. Below are a few words from Robin on the event.

“Martin Adams, Liz Daley and I wrote a combined appreciation of Patrick in a previous newsletter tribute and Liz and I also wrote individual pieces which were posted on Birkbeck’s tribute page.

It was a fine launch. The speeches were really good, a mix of the poignant and the entertaining, which well captured Patrick’s essence and clearly brought out the themes of social justice and making the law work in practice for poor people. I spoke to some of Patrick’s former students and learnt that they greatly appreciated his lectures, which didn’t surprise me at all.

Funding has now been secured for an initial scholarship for someone from East Africa to study law at Birkbeck. I hope that funds will later become available to support the kind of gatherings Patrick would have approved of.

Valerie Kelly, Research and Publications Officer in Birkbeck’s School of Law, who organized the launch, wrote to me afterwards to say that ‘it was really nice to have someone from Mokoro present, having heard about the organisation from Patrick.’

  • 11 February 2014

The latest e-newsletter has been sent out and includes a review of our recent Education Seminar. The articles can be read here.