• 9 December 2023

This open access academic article is based on qualitative research in the Caledonia peri-urban settlement, a medium-sized town 30km east of Zimbabwe’s capital, Harare, which is also one of the fastest growing ...

  • 3 May 2023

This book examines the impacts of land tenure reform interventions implemented in Benin, Ethiopia, Rwanda, and Zimbabwe. Since 2000, many African countries have introduced programs aimed at providing smallholder ...

  • 10 August 2020

An agreement between the Zimbabwean Government and the Commercial Farmers Union on compensation for land taken from white farmers was finally agreed on 29 July 2020, 20 years after the land reform programme began. ...

  • 29 June 2020

The final part of a blog series is a very preliminary reflection on the changes observed over 20 years and some speculation on what the future might hold for the land reform farmers of Masvingo over the next 20 ...

  • 15 June 2020

A paper from the Agricultural Policy Research on Africa (APRA) programme in Zimbabwe supported by a DFID grant to IDS, Sussex. Explores the intersecting factors that have shifted pathways of commercialisation, ...

  • 2 September 2019

An analysis of the July South African report on land and agriculture which documents the sorry tale of land reform since 1994. Says action on land reform is long overdue. Makes sensible recommendations on ...

  • 21 August 2019

In June 2019 the Government of Zimbabwe announced a policy instrument allowing for Joint Ventures (JVs) and subletting of land for agricultural purposes. This paper discusses what the JVs mean for Zimbabwe’s ...

  • 3 April 2019

One of the most striking things about some of the study sites in the A1 (smallholder) land reform schemes of Zimbabwe is the amount of small-scale irrigation going on. This is not on schemes or in formalised group ...

  • 4 March 2019

Two new papers by Sandra Bhatasara and Kirk Helliker on land occupations in Shamva and Bindura Districts, Mashonaland Central, are analysed. They offer nuanced accounts of what happened. As previous studies have ...

  • 7 October 2018

In recent decades, many countries in sub-Saharan Africa have pursued national water permit systems, derived from the colonial era and reinforced by “global best practice.” These systems have proved logistically ...