• 3 July 2017

Looks at seven key principles for tenure design drawing on the international literature and at multiple routes to land tenure security. Argues that Zimbabwe needs to get over the idea that freehold title is the ...

  • 5 June 2017

The challenges are: the methodology for valuation, the state’s capacity for valuation, the process for dispute resolution, and the funding of the process. The backlog created by lack of action in the past 17 years ...

  • 5 June 2017

Land reform has generated a range of disputes including overlapping boundaries, double occupations, competing authorities etc. Lists areas in which potential disputes arise.

  • 19 January 2017

Covers background, property grabbing from widows, legal standards on the rights of widows, recommendations. Includes the rights of older people, the invisibility of widows in global policy and development, harmful ...

  • 11 June 2015

Presents an example of a biofuels production project and its value chain to argue that there is a need for a land and investment policy to guide communities, investors and stakeholders. The expansion of commercial ...

  • 7 June 2015

Report based on fieldwork in Chisumbanje seeks to understand: 1) the interest and role of the Zimbabwe Government and its contribution to the first large-scale private investments undertaken by GreenFuel in ...

  • 11 August 2014

Asks are people better off in the new resettlements, a decade after they had moved, compared to the communal areas? To probe this question in more depth, in 2012 Blasio Mavedzenge, Felix Murimbarimba and Jacob ...

  • 11 August 2014

Asks how have rural women become important actors in accessing land and shaping non-permanent mobile livelihoods in the context of the fast track land reform programme. Data is based on an ethnographic study at ...

  • 11 July 2014

Contains 6 chapters: introduction, accountability issues in urban land management, transparency and accountability in communal land management, corruption and land reform programmes, accountability issues in large ...

  • 11 February 2013

Includes the land deal and competing land claims, socio-historical context, corporate responsibility or corporate displacement?, Mangoma and “angry villagers”. The case study of Chisumbanje, Zimbabwe, shows how ...