• 18 October 2015

Includes situation analysis, the vision, rationale, guiding principles, objectives, measures, implementation, legal framework. A monitoring and evaluation framework for policy implementation will be developed, as ...

  • 6 June 2015

Includes key issues; the rise of development-induced displacements; key findings on the resettlement process; evaluating the proposed National Resettlement Policy; recommendations. Brief argues reforms need to be ...

  • 11 March 2014

Land tenure administration in Zambia suffers from serious shortcomings in governance. Too much power is vested with too few checks and balances in too few people, notably the chiefs, local councils and the ...

  • 11 February 2014

Paper discusses Zambia’s dual land tenure system, the ways in which gender issues have been incorporated in legal and policy documents, and the extent to which this has been reflected in practice. It also examines ...

  • 10 December 2013

Examines the role of development cooperation in land reforms and the extent to which donor organisations have addressed concerns related to gender equality. Reviews the reforms in 15 countries in Africa, Latin ...

  • 11 November 2013

Includes socio-economic and policy contexts, case studies of Kaleya Smallholder Company Ltd and ETC Bio-Energy Ltd, lessons learned and policy implications.

  • 11 May 2013

Includes an ethnography and the cultural economy of land grabs in Zambia and the role of foreign investments in Zambia. Examines the Chayton investment in Mkushi District and asks who does Chayton feed?

  • 11 December 2012

Discusses two agricultural investments in Zambia. Both projects started as state-led, development-oriented initiatives in the 1970s and early 1980s, and were later privatised. This long implementation history ...

  • 11 December 2011

Includes country context, characteristics of land investment, how land is acquired, impacts. Several large hedge and equity funds are involved in acquiring land, farm blocks are plagued by problems, there is lack of ...

  • 11 November 2010

Includes background to women’s land rights in Zambia; policy and legal reforms of the1990s; key findings – gender insensitivity on land laws and policies, the high cost of legal fees to handle land disputes, ...