• 9 December 2023

This open access academic article focuses on the role of multistakeholder platforms (MSPs) in integrated land and natural resource management, at national, district and local levels. MSPs have become increasingly ...

  • 3 November 2023

This report from USAID’s Integrated Land and Resource Governance project discusses a pilot implementation in two of 288 chiefdoms of a set of Gender Guidelines for Traditional Leaders in Management of Natural ...

  • 3 October 2023

This resource from USAID provides practical guidance on how to promote gender equality and social inclusion in customary land documentation processes in Zambia. The guide is targeted at all stakeholders directly ...

  • 11 September 2023

This research-based article in the academic journal, ‘Land Use Policy’, looks at the role of state actors in exerting pressures on customary land in Zambia, including by direct involvement in land grabbing and ...

  • 9 July 2023

This Practice Note shares lessons learned from two USAID-funded land projects in Zambia for making land administration and land governance more gender-responsive at community level. The Practice Note was designed to ...

  • 1 June 2023

This State of Land Information (SOLI) report from the Land Portal assesses the state of land data in Zambia against principles of land data openness, land information availability and accessibility, and overall good ...

  • 9 May 2023

The final impact evaluation report of USAID’s Tenure and Global Climate Change project in Zambia looks not just at impacts for livelihoods, food security, agriculture and women’s empowerment, but importantly at ...

  • 9 May 2023

This short policy brief from USAID highlights some findings from the USAID-funded Mapping Approaches for Securing Tenure (MAST) programme’s activities in Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia, of relevance to issues of ...

  • 9 May 2023

This short policy brief from USAID highlights some achievements for women’s land rights from the USAID-funded Mapping Approaches for Securing Tenure (MAST) programme’s activities in Mozambique, Tanzania and ...

  • 15 October 2021

Describes how inclusive technology, a gender-responsive documentation process and shifting gender norms are empowering women through secure land rights. Includes recognising women as landowners, leading by example, ...