Gender-Responsive Land Administration in Local Authorities in Zambia
July 2023
F. Mpiana & P. Malasha. (USAID)
This Practice Note shares lessons learned from two USAID-funded land projects in Zambia for making land administration and land governance more gender-responsive at community level. The Practice Note was designed to meet a gap in the current documentation, whereby local authorities do not have well-documented standards for implementing inclusive land administration. The result has been subjective and inconsistent implementation of Zambia’s land laws and policies. Whilst government regulations are ultimately needed, the Practice Note is offered as a part of the solution, to help local authorities be more inclusive in land allocation and administration. The Practice Note was developed in consultation with four district authorities, to complement other land administration capacity building efforts. It is suggested as a reference material for training, for guiding everyday land management, and to provide information and education.