• 10 December 2010

Includes land registration: the favourite instrument of the colonial land reclamation policy; land registration in real contexts; need for alternative land tenure securing approaches.

  • 10 December 2010

During the last two decades, local conventions have increased in the field, and are now considered as promising alternative solutions for a participatory management of natural resources and land. But what does the ...

  • 10 December 2010

Why does the delimitation of local authorities’ area of influence cause so many problems in most West African countries? Does decentralization not usually result in the artificial and top-down creation of local ...

  • 10 December 2010

Analyzes land tenure dimensions of migrations in rural areas, especially accommodation and integration mechanisms, as well as emerging strategies. Highlights the local changes of which both natives and migrants are ...

  • 10 December 2010

Proposes a clear, simple method for characterising rights to land and natural resources and holders of land rights that can easily be applied in different cultures and legal systems all over the world.

  • 10 September 2010

Key issues identified include linkages to regional and national initiatives; land tenure, customary land tenure and land administration; natural resources tenure; land governance and issues of gender, IDPs and ...

  • 10 June 2010

Topics addressed were land administration, taxation and markets, diversity of tools, role of land-related professions; management and rights concerning common natural resources, access and rights of herders, fishers ...

  • 10 December 2009

A series of short articles on land deals in West Africa: plenty of information, yet reliable data is scarce; abundant land?; complexity of land tenure systems; local perceptions; are win-win partnerships possible?; ...

  • 10 March 2007

Includes the drivers of change; changes in ‘customary’ land management institutions, evidence from West Africa; changes in intra-family relations; changes in land transfer mechanisms, evidence from West Africa; ...

  • 10 November 2003

Contains introduction; background; the principle orientations of Praia; status of implementation of the Praia orientation in CILSS member states (Burkina Faso, The Gambia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, Chad); ...