Rural Land Tenure and Sustainable Development in the Sahel and West Africa, Regional Summary Report
November 2003
CILSS (Le Comite Permanent Inter-Etats de Lutte contre la Secheresse dans le Sahel) Regional Forum Praia+9, Bamako, Mali
Contains introduction; background; the principle orientations of Praia; status of implementation of the Praia orientation in CILSS member states (Burkina Faso, The Gambia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, Chad); land tenure situation of the underprivileged groups; management of land conflicts; implementation difficulties and lessons learned; overview of the land tenure situation in some coastal West African countries (Benin, Ghana, Togo); emerging land issues; towards regional charter on rural land in the Sahel and West Africa; appendices with summary table of the policies, legislations and regulations on land and natural resource management in West Africa; glossary; bibliography.