• 10 September 2008

To better understand the role of tenure security in protecting against, and mitigating the effects of, HIV and violence, this book explores these linkages in Amajuba, South Africa and Iganga, Uganda. Results from ...

  • 10 May 2008

Report is in 3 parts: literature review findings, field study findings, recommendations. Divided into land justice and family justice and concludes by defining strategic interventions for the Justice, Law and Order ...

  • 10 February 2008

Includes the return process, public knowledge of land rights, land conflicts and dispute resolution, post-conflict vulnerable group issues, performance of land administration institutions, recommendations. Finds the ...

  • 10 June 2007

Analyses context within which the National Land Policy ascribes to tackle gender. Looks at influencing policy context, theories and evidence, access to and control of land, current policy response, and key ...

  • 10 June 2007

Highlights the conceptual linkages between HIV and AIDS, productivity, and land-tenure security. Points out the transitional effects of the epidemic on household asset endowment. Checklist of issues and ...

  • 10 June 2007

Offers a series of steps on how to stop border conflicts by marking the borders.

  • 10 June 2007

Includes returning to the old or creating something new?; protecting land rights through systematic demarcation; recognising land rights; strengthening land administration; those left behind; recommendations

  • 10 May 2007

Part of the ongoing process of developing Uganda’s Draft National Land Policy. Definition of critical policy issues, statement of the problem, possible emerging policy options. Looks at clarity and certainty of ...

  • 10 January 2007

A second report for the World Bank’s Northern Uganda Recovery and Development Program – RDP. The objective is to inform policy processes on post-conflict land policy and administration on likely types of ...

  • 10 January 2007

The law is supposed to protect a woman’s rights to land. The law is failing, and husbands can ignore their wife’s legal rights. Why? And what should be done about it?