• 11 October 2001

South Africa is reviewing its plans and progress towards sustainable development ahead of the 2002 World Summit in Johannesburg. Argues that more attention needs to be given to land reform as a key component of ...

  • 11 September 2001

An historical review of the land reform work of the South African Legal Resources Centre, a non-profit public interest law centre which seeks to use law as an instrument of justice by providing legal services for ...

  • 11 September 2001

Focuses on tenure reform (as a necessary first step); securing rights for farmworkers and labour tenants; slow progress and key challenges in restitution; redistribution; what is to be done? Offers an overview of ...

  • 11 August 2001

Critiques recent official statements that land reform policies are not contentious. Argues that there is desperate need of a re-think, failing which urban and rural land invasions will increase. We need a new ...

  • 11 June 2001

Includes poverty reduction and land reform, profile of farm dwellers, access to land, the creation of farm dwellers, the National Question and land reform, non-market v. market land reform, the East Asian and Latin ...

  • 11 June 2001

Covers current situation on South African farms, current development initiatives, the Land Bank and farm workers, issues and challenges, concluding comments. SARPN Conference

  • 11 June 2001

Executive summary, background to Nkandla, livelihoods under threat, potential for agriculture, Oxfam GB’s findings – a role for agriculture?, impact of HIV/AIDS, what options for livelihoods?, conclusions. ...

  • 11 June 2001

Covers conceptual and historical background, constraints on land as a resource for development, 3 case studies, the constitutional and legal framework for tenure reform, conclusion. SARPN Conference

  • 11 June 2001

Includes food insecurity and its consequences, unemployment, household incomes and expenditure, the food expenditure gap, nutritional programmes, land reform and food security. SARPN Conference

  • 11 June 2001

Contains introduction, the 3 legs of the South African land reform programme, the orderly implementation of land reform programmes, scope for further land reform, the role of other stakeholders, a table of land ...