• 31 August 2018

Publication shows how addressing land issues can mitigate conflict, facilitate solutions to it, improve the likelihood that people can return to their homes after the violence is over, and contribute to peace ...

  • 1 September 2014

Pastoral and agro-pastoral areas in eastern Africa and elsewhere have long been regarded as peripheries in economic terms and in terms of social and cultural accomplishments. Although biased perceptions of the ...

  • 9 June 2007

This review of land issues in twenty countries in Southern and Eastern Africa is the third since 2004. The idea of conducting a regular review arose in an informal meeting of land rights activists in Pretoria in ...

  • 9 December 2005

A second volume in this series covering this region, building on that of August 2004. Designed to be useful for planners, programme designers, advocates, practitioners, citizens and subjects engaged in land reform. ...

  • 9 August 2004

A second independent newsletter providing details of current developments in land reform and land conflicts in the Horn, East and Central Africa. Covers Burundi, Eastern DRC, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, ...