• 10 November 2004

Presentation of 5 brief case studies of what Oxfam actually did with regards land in post-conflict situations in Africa, in Zimbabwe, Mozambique, South Africa, Rwanda and Angola, concluding with the common themes, ...

  • 9 March 2004

Contains an executive summary and 3 main chapters: on national, provincial and policy context; access to land and natural resources in Bie Province; and key issues for CARE programming � the promotion of ...

  • 10 December 2000

Summarises the 12 presentations made at the workshop, 8 of which concerned Mozambique, the remainder Sao Tome & Principe, Angola, Guinea Bissau and Cabo Verde. Topics include the work of the inter-ministerial ...

  • 9 July 2000

Speech in Civil Society Intervention in the Constitutional Process Project. Covers a necessary historical summary; colonial legacy; social representation of land and systems of utilization; new legislation, old ...