• 15 June 2020

Draws from a research report which responded to heightened concerns over rising conflict and antagonism between predominantly herding groups and more settled farming peoples across a wide band of semi-arid Africa. ...

  • 21 April 2020

Argues that the COVID-19 outbreak has disrupted land governance, which is vital in achieving inclusive economic growth, sustainable development and food security. It is seriously disrupting food systems and causing ...

  • 28 March 2020

Explores land inequality based on a wide scoping of available information and identifies the main trends and their drivers. What can be seen globally is a growing concentration of land in larger holdings leaving ...

  • 20 March 2020

Focuses on innovations in recognition, mapping and documentation of legitimate tenure rights by LEGEND and other pilot projects to address problems that resulted from weak due diligence in the planning of ...

  • 20 March 2020

Focuses on adjustments to investment plans and more inclusive approaches to business that engage local communities and small-scale farmers that were adopted by the companies involved in pilot projects. Includes key ...

  • 16 March 2020

International standards can help businesses fill gaps in national law but addressing issues at scale requires systematic governance reform. Law is part of the problem as often are governments. In many countries ...

  • 11 March 2020

This commentary highlights the importance of land tenure security for women and indigenous peoples. Land titles are often used as a proxy for women’s land security, but focusing on titling alone does not lead to ...

  • 28 January 2020

The author has now run this site as an absolute dictator for 20 years, first in Oxfam space (2000-12) and since 2012 in Mokoro space. The article covers the origins of the site, the various motivations and the ...

  • 27 January 2020

Pressures on land and natural resources are growing, and many communities affected by land rights violations struggle to assert their rights. In this interview Rachael Knight talks about how IIED’s legal tools ...

  • 20 January 2020

Offers an account of the experiences of three LEGEND projects in addressing land tenure and government issues that emerged in large-scale investment projects which stemmed from insufficient attention to pre-existing ...