• 9 April 2007

Asks what convincing rationales exist for land reform in the 21st century and for land policies and programmes that have poverty reduction as their key objective? Argues that the economic bases of pro-poor land ...

  • 9 April 2007

Includes why is secure access to land important; secure property rights, economic growth and social justice; the scale of insecure access to land; political contestation; the role of donors; IIED v FIG, contrasting ...

  • 10 March 2007

Includes the drivers of change; changes in ‘customary’ land management institutions, evidence from West Africa; changes in intra-family relations; changes in land transfer mechanisms, evidence from West Africa; ...

  • 9 March 2007

Contains defining gender-based violence; property grabbing as a form of this; HIV and AIDS and property grabbing; women’s property rights: the erosion of customary norms and practice; statutory legal reform � ...

  • 9 March 2007

The paper discusses the interface of anthropological research on land with policy positions across formative periods – from the colonial period through to the present as land tenure reform has repeatedly ...

  • 9 February 2007

Extracts from a farewell talk. Includes back to the land; engaging with Oxfam International in Zimbabwe; working on the Zambian Copperbelt; supporting post-tsunami, post-conflict land and property rights advocacy in ...

  • 9 January 2007

Includes the sources of women’s legal status; women’s rights to land and other natural resources; the rights of women agricultural workers; the rights of self-employed rural women; toward the realisation of ...

  • 9 October 2006

Main chapters cover access to land and poverty reduction, land redistribution, and securing land rights. The last includes the role of land markets, women’s land rights, securing local resource rights in foreign ...

  • 9 October 2006

Argues that there are 5 shortcomings in both the old (World Bank) and contemporary (Hernando de Soto) arguments for formalisation of land title. First, legality is constructed narrowly to mean only formal legality. ...

  • 9 October 2006

The first of 7 Working Papers presented at an FAO regional technical workshop for sub-Saharan Africa on legal empowerment of the poor (LEP) in Nakuru, Kenya, in October 2006. Divided into 7 issues: land markets, ...