• 9 May 2008

In many parts of Africa, legal services organisations have developed innovative ways for using legal processes to help disadvantaged groups have more secure land rights. Their approaches, tools and methods vary ...

  • 9 April 2008

Demonstrates how secure land rights are particularly important in helping to reverse three types of phenomena: gender discrimination; social exclusion of vulnerable groups; and wider social and economic inequalities ...

  • 9 February 2008

Summarises the main presentations by Alex de Waal, John Unruh, Liz Alden Wily and Chris Huggins and responses by discussants based on these broad topics: why humanitarian organisations need to tackle land issues; ...

  • 9 December 2007

Contains case studies of earthquakes in Pakistan, Indonesia, Bhuj, India and Bam, Iran, of hurricanes in Grenada, Louisiana and Central America, and of floods in Mozambique. Followed by key findings and lessons ...

  • 9 December 2007

The reform of land tenure institutions is now back on the national and global policy agendas. While at a certain level of generality the principle of gender equality in access to resources, including land, has been ...

  • 9 November 2007

Includes setting the scene; understanding gender and property rights in the era of AIDS; legislation, training and capacity development; advocacy, mobilisation and networking; political dialogue; linking gender, ...

  • 9 September 2007

This report draws lessons from experience of using legal processes to secure local resource rights within the context of foreign investment projects in Africa. Security of local resource rights is a major challenge ...

  • 9 September 2007

Reflections based on personal experiences as an academic and as Oxfam’s former Global Land Adviser. Cites a number of institutions on how they conceive of the role of donors in land matters, including the recent ...

  • 9 July 2007

A new DFID Policy Paper on land, divided into four sections: landmark issues (unequal distribution and insecure tenure); how secure access to land can promote shared growth; good governance � the vital ...

  • 9 June 2007

This review of land issues in twenty countries in Southern and Eastern Africa is the third since 2004. The idea of conducting a regular review arose in an informal meeting of land rights activists in Pretoria in ...