• 9 January 2010

A short historical analysis of the origins of current land grabbing, the role of African leaders, and some of the key actors involved.

  • 9 November 2009

Summary of a book of the same name. Contains the relationship between land and conflict, land in post-conflict contexts, humanitarian engagement on land issues, charting a way forward.

  • 9 November 2009

Focuses on the rush by foreign investors to buy up agricultural land across Africa, all too often at the expense of the wellbeing and livelihoods of local communities.

  • 9 October 2009

Covers gender and property rights, the impact of AIDS on property rights, laws, policies and programs to promote widows’ and orphans’ property rights. Includes women and children’s knowledge, life skills and ...

  • 9 October 2009

Examines the driving factors behind land grabbing in Africa.

  • 9 September 2009

For many millions in the developing world, land is central to livelihoods, food security, even identity – the result of a direct dependence on agriculture and natural resources. It is not surprising that a ...

  • 9 September 2009

Covers the rush to acquire land in Africa by foreign governments and private investors, fuelled by fears for global food security in the face of climate change and volatile food prices on the international market. ...

  • 9 June 2009

Despite the spate of media reports, international land deals and their impacts remain little understood. The report discusses key trends and drivers in land acquisitions, the contractual arrangements underpinning ...

  • 9 April 2009

Includes rising land acquisition in developing countries; threats and opportunities from large-scale land acquisitions; making a virtue of necessity: toward win-win policies; 5 tables of media reports on overseas ...

  • 9 March 2009

Includes conceptualising property rights in natural resources; importance of property rights in natural resource management; policy and administrative approaches for devolving property rights; strengthening local ...